The Second Adventure: A Cat Called Britain (A Caper in Time Part 1)

by Evan Forman and Michael Robertson - 22.12.14

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Cocoon
Chapter 2 - The Crossroads Inn
Chapter 3 - The Graveyard
Chapter 4 - Pentasensory Voicemail
Chapter 5 - The Shadowmen
Chapter 6 - The Lost City of Ubo-Chazil
Chapter 7 - Butchers and their Cattle
Chapter 8 - Art History
Chapter 9 - A Giant Robot with a Minigun for a Face
Chapter 10 - Shattered Mirror
Chapter 11 - A Collector of Rare and Precious Things
Chapter 12 - The White Palace of Death
~ Meanwhile, Deep in the Forest... ~

Aerin collapsed in the damp muck, resting against a tree and wheezing after just two minutes of running. His face was dripping with sweat, his lungs felt sore, and his heart was pounding in his...leg? Which he decided probably wasn't good at all. He tried to silence himself, listening carefully for any sign of the metal beast. Nothing. Nothing but the chirping of birds and insects.

The quiet was interrupted by a tone that vibrated on the inside of Aerin's skull.

"do-Do-DO-DO. You have reached the voicemail of Aerin Liette-"

Aerin looked all around, into the marshy forest behind him to try and find the voice.

"Please leave a message after the tone: BEEEEEEP"

"Hello again!"

Aerin jumped when he turned around to see that a travelling salesman's carriage had appeared on the road in front of him. The hatch on the side was open, and sitting on the table, in front of a colourful array of glass bottles, was Britain the cat.

"What do you want from me?!"

"Oh, nothing, I was just checking up to see how you were adjusting. How are things?" The cat's voice (singular) sounded slightly different this time; deeper, but still insufferably posh. That, and the thin moustache from earlier was on the other side of its face now, and upside down.

Aerin was still catching his breath. "Um...I'm alive? I think?"

"For the moment, yes."

"So this is real. This is the real world now?"

"Yes." The cat paused. "To an extent." Aerin sighed and his face fell into his hands. "This world is entirely, dangerously real. But I wasn't able to make it here so I just scrawled the hypothetical pentasensory data of this meeting onto your subconscious while you were sleeping, jimmied it up to your seeing and hearing holes and had it set to trigger when your arse fell down in the exact spot you're sitting in. This is a hallucination, Aerin. You are a crazy person now."

Aerin stood up. "Was that...giant metal thing that tried to kill us a hallucination too?"

Britain's smug grin fell. "What giant metal thing?" He peered out from his carriage and looked in the direction of the graveyard. "What did it look like? Did it have saws for eyes? Because if it had saws for eyes I'm going to have to get Health and Safety in on this and if they saw what I was doing with this place...boom."


"But don't worry about that, I rigged a universe on the other side of the building to blow. Just a bit, you know? Laws of physics melting into each other, people being randomly thrown from decade to decade, fictions exploding into reality and smacking into the cold stone face of death before they've had time for a single thought; nothing that can't be fixed, but enough to keep their hands full."

Aerin stood there with his arms folded, and the cat looked puzzled. "You look unimpressed."

"I'd appreciate if you stopped changing the subject. You've already apologised for that death machine with the names on those graves - 'Wüps and Soriboise'?"

"I will not apologise for science."

"'Science' is what you're calling that!?"

"Of course. I was testing your 'automatically fleeing from the first whisper of conflict or adversity of any kind' abilities. Your results are very encouraging. In fact, I'd say it's the one and only field of the human experience in which you aren't utterly incompetent."

"I also write" Aerin mumbled.

"Do you write well?"

"I'm...getting there."

"Oh indeed you are. In fact, you're there already; ta-da!" The cat gestured to the world around them. "155 years after your death, I wonder, how has the world remembered Aerin Liette?"

“So is this why you’ve brought me here? To see how my life will influence the world?”

“Not exactly, although that’ll be interesting to find out as I can’t imagine you’ll get an opportunity like this again. No, the reason I have transported you 200 years out of time is to give you a sneaky peek at the coming attractions. The future is a scary place but the future of Timperley is scarier than usual. Something has to be done. And Destiny, that sultry vixen, has put you and John Boss in a perfect position to do it.”

“But why can’t you do anything? You seem to have mastery over the space-time continuum, why do you need us to change the future?”

“It’s more dramatic. Besides, this isn’t the only universe I have to run and I’d rather not commute. Now enough questions. Right now, you need an alibi. Where did you come from? What do you do? Why should anyone listen to you, when you tell them you're just another citizen of Dryadora? You can't just claim to be THE author Aerin Liette who popped out of a grave one Saturday morning now, can you? So, what are you going to tell them?"

Aerin stared blankly at the cat. ""

"Luckily, I already have a man on the inside who's got your entire life story covered. Or rather, he has your entire cover story lived. Never mind what you'd like your new life to be like, I'm sure you're going to slip into your new role just fine." The cat looked up and raised a little pink paw to the sky. "Hark, here he is now!"

Aerin jumped out of the way as someone fell through the tree branches and smacked into the ground with a crunch. His hands quivered slightly as he looked at the unmoving body in the mud.

"Go on, go and see," cooed Britain.

He stepped closer to the body, which let out a low groan of agony and limply rolled over. Aerin shot backwards and hit the carriage when he saw the body's face, and Aerin would have done the same if the fall hadn't broken his legs.

"Wh...what!?" "Wh...what!?"

The Aerins sputtered.
They looked back and forth between the cat, and to each other.

"That'" "That'"

Aerin's breathing became uncontrollable.
Aerin's breathing began to croak and fade.

"Oh gods-" "oh god-"

Aerin clasped a hand Aerin drew a limp hand
over his mouth as his chest heaved. to his mouth as he coughed blood.

"He's..." "He's..."

Aerin's knees buckled as he pressed a hand to the ground and tried to heave himself up.

"He's me."

Aerin's last breath slipped out before he could say anything else, and he fell face-first into a muddy puddle.

"Nope!" enthused Britain. "He looks like you, acts like you, talks like you, thinks and feels exactly like you, but he isn't you!"

"Stop it." Aerin was slumped against the back wheel of the carriage, unable to take his eyes off his corpse. "Explain. Now."

"Oh, the creation of a fake mortal identity is very simple and actually a pretty fascinating process. You see, I've gone a few years back in time and done a bit of jiggery pokery so that a baby Aerin is created, exactly like you in every way except he’s been born in the future. A fake Aerin. A stand-in Aerin if you will. By the time we’re having this conversation, fake baby Aerin has grown up to be the age you, the real Aerin, are right now. Then all I had to do is get rid of the fake Aerin and let you take over his life. Think of it like I created an Aerin to save your space.”

Aerin closed his eyes, took a breath and managed to stand up, turning away from the body of his future doppelgänger. "You've created and murdered a version of me just to give me a convincing life story?!”

“That’s right! Pretty neat don’t you think?”

Aerin paused for a moment to digest this bizarre situation. “I’m not sure about the morals of creating a new life-form just to get rid of them when they’ve served their purpose.”

Britain sighed. “Blimey. You sound just like the union. Look, don’t worry your tiny little primitive brain about the fine details. Your names are both Aerin Liette, you are both 27 years, four months, 23 days, three hours, six minutes and 43, 44, 45 seconds old. Things start to deviate when Other Aerin moved to the shining city of Dryadora's Ivory District after inheriting an unspendable sum of money from your great-step-uncle twice removed, the prospector "Old Man" Jebediah Jingles. In his will, he rather mysteriously bequeathed his entire fortune to you, much to the protest of his children; John Jingles, Joe Jingles, Janine Jingles, Jamie Jingles, Jack Jingles-"

"-I get the poi-"

"-Joanna, Jared, James, Joel, Jade, Jacob, Janet, Jasmine, Jake, Jason..." The cat inhaled deeply. "But most importantly, and violently of them all, your long-lost Collisterran cousin: Jafar."

"Nobody's actually going to believe that. I barely believe that."

Britain waved off his concerns. "Oh, of course they will. Because it's all true!" He once again raised a paw to the sky. "Observe!"

Aerin looked up at the tiny silhouette in the sky that was rapidly getting larger and louder. "I was robbed! The will was forged you thieving bastard!" he shouted, before smacking into the ground and splashing mud all over Aerin. He held a dagger in his right hand and some sort of legal document in his left. His dark brown eyes - typical of the northern regions of Collisterra - burned with righteous fury behind - somewhat less typically - his Elvin bone structure, with impressively tall ears that protruded out from a colourful silk headscarf which stood out against the wet browns and damp greens that stretched for miles around.

Aerin sighed at the mud on his clothes before looking expectantly at the cat. "What next?"

"You seem to have reacted less dramatically to when I dropped that other person from the sky just seconds ago."

"That was the second angry Collisterran nobleman I've seen fall from the sky in the past 24 hours. I've found I'm becoming desensitised to ridiculous bullshit."

"Well then, my work here is done. Good day to you sir, enjoy yo-" the cat hiccupped and suddenly switched to the female voice. "SHHH! Do you hear that?"

Aerin looked around. "No?"

"Shit, there's the car." Two slimy tentacles rose up from beneath the hatch and grabbed some glass bottles off the shelves on the back wall of the carriage. "Right! Well I have time and a corporeal form to kill. Your address is 10, Cadilay Avenue, Ivory District. Don't do anything I wouldn't do, try not to die, ciao for now."

The carriage doors slammed shut and, as if through thin air, the vehicle slipped down through the ground, leaving no impressions in the dirt to suggest it was ever there.

Aerin heard a faint rumbling from down the dirt road. He stood alone; the corpse of Jafar Jingles had vanished along with his own. From around a corner, another metal machine trundled into view. This one rolled on large rubber wheels and moved much slower than the flying thing that had chased after John Boss. Also unlike the other machine, Aerin had a chance to inspect it.

It was painted a dull gray, apart from the two sloping black rectangles of glass at the front. It was angular, almost to the point of absurdity, like someone had tried to make this automated carriage look like a weapon itself. The car slowed down and stopped in front of him. A heavy metal door at the side opened up and out stepped a figure dressed entirely in black; his face hidden by a visor that only reflected Aerin's nervous expression that became clearer as the figure approached him. Finally, it spoke. "Aerin Liette?"

Aerin nodded quietly.

The figure lifted the visor to reveal the pale green face of an elf which gave a smile that tried to be reassuring, but seemed to have been practised. "We've been looking for you all day. Are you hurt, sir?"

Slightly embarrassed by the formality, Aerin stood wringing his hands. "Um, no. Sir."

The elf smiled a little awkwardly. "Right, get in the car and we'll take you down to the station. It's just some paperwork, then we can have someone drive you home if you'd like."

The lanky elf opened the back door of the car for Aerin, who muttered a nervous little "thanks" as he got in. He shut the door and sat in the driver's seat, next to another, shorter elf in the same uniform. He picked up a small black device tied to many more strange lights and numbers and words and spoke into it. "This is Officer Alvus to HQ. Officer Lonn and I have found the person reported missing, Aerin Liette, just outside a red zone south of the city. He's unharmed and we're bringing him back to-"

There was an impatient silence, except for the faint crackling voice coming from inside the device. "A-E-R-I-N" He looked back at Aerin, and Aerin nodded. "L-I-E-T-T-E. Like the author...In The Shadow of The Valley? The Black Crown Rises? No?" Aerin's eyes widened a little as he tried to hold back a smile. Alvus sighed "It's not that uncommon a name, Saerach. Anyway, we'll be there soon."

The officer put down the device, which buzzed as he clicked it back into its designated resting place, and turned a key beside the wheel. Aerin was startled as the car rumbled and growled into life and the buttons and symbols in the front lit up accompanied by thudding, repetitive music unlike anything Aerin had heard before. Alvus turned the car around, and Aerin tried to relax in his seat as they drove back to whatever city Dryadora had become.

"Oh! By the way Aerin, remember how the Octomillipede currently known as 'Britain' rejiggered your entire neurolinguistic sorting office to translate this new form of Elvish people speak in 2214 into Henry, the common tongue of your time? And in the same way, turn your Henry thoughts back into Modern Elvish speech? No? Well, they did, so that's convenient." said nobody, much to the inconvenience of anyone who wasn't listening.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Cocoon
Chapter 2 - The Crossroads Inn
Chapter 3 - The Graveyard
Chapter 4 - Pentasensory Voicemail
Chapter 5 - The Shadowmen
Chapter 6 - The Lost City of Ubo-Chazil
Chapter 7 - Butchers and their Cattle
Chapter 8 - Art History
Chapter 9 - A Giant Robot with a Minigun for a Face
Chapter 10 - Shattered Mirror
Chapter 11 - A Collector of Rare and Precious Things
Chapter 12 - The White Palace of Death