I like that the big climactic sequence of this finale wasn't
an action scene but a fourth wall break. There's obviously
nothing wrong with action scenes in superhero shows - they are
kind of the point. But the fourth wall break was fun and sticks
in the memory far more than a punch-up would have. I do sort of
wish there had been more of an escalation to the breaks across
the season though. 9 weeks is a long enough period of time that
Jen talking to the camera stopped being a jolting surprise long
ago and just became business as usual. Then we suddenly go from
business as usual to her talking to the writers and confronting
K.E.V.I.N.. A series of more and more outlandish fourth wall
breaks building up to it would've kept the show engaging and
'Sensational', like her old comic title.
What features of
Disney+ could they have played with? They could've made a joke
out of the movie or show that gets recommended to you after you
finish watching something. Like in a post-credit scene Jen
could've said something about being the only Marvel hero who
breaks the fourth wall, then the video minimises and you're
recommended Deadpool. Or the 'skip intro' button could've been
used as a 'skip exposition' button during a dialogue-heavy
scene. They could've really played around with stuff, making the
fourth wall breaks bigger and more clever until culminating in
the K.E.V.I.N. ending. Whatever, the K.E.V.I.N. ending was fun
without being too self-congratulatory, although it would've been
nice to have maybe a few more gags about genuine MCU criticisms
just to make sure.
Ending aside, this finale was okay.
Ultimately I could go for another season, maybe with a few less
episodes so they can be as stuffed full as the first few were.
Next: ???