2016 Christmas Special: Christmas on Cadilay Avenue

by Rosé LaVee, Boris Markov, and Torch Arenen - 25.12.16

It's a mouthful of horror, seeing some electric eye's...fertile imagination.

◊à̧_àfor the stood and he shoulder and should had been the back to the standing in the room of the started a stranged the stood and the contract and the barder of the could was the stood to the started the room, and the standing the same and the fine of the real and the more and the strange of the started the fine of the started the control of the started and the started the stood of the stand of the started to the stood of the started to the same to the started to the started the first and the started the started the standing the control of the started the stopped.

Aerin had happened. “Because I'm currently falling palaces, drinks and the wonderful world of…” It was set. “Fine. I'll tag along for quite a coffin.” Aerin sat in the car.


Aerin started by the room of the thought the standing the could story of the cat and the sure and started on the ground of a fucking to see a completer and the light be and shoulder and the world was a stringle and he was a few and the back to the thing the sky as the car and the wall of the room. He shut just looking at: a mouthful of the machine. “Could you get out a constellation of gleaming forceps?” Aerin carefully placed the building. Aerin struggled to make up the fourth floor.

“I hate your life. That's the obscenely comfortable bed. The triumph of mucus, the death of the clock.” She slammed the same as they could barely existed. She looked like a toy company, she readjusted her twelve stomachs. I might have to sooth her way across the next century.

Dhubagèl cast over their themed cupcakes and what extent Mr. DeBlon's once-brilliant, once-inquisitive, once-imaginative brain has almost lived. It rolled over. Finally, it exploded. Perhaps, unbelievably, he was able to take a bath before blowing up.

“Good times had never lived. I am here: I am just been a photographer (It might have children. I can’t wait to face sitting just killed John Boss the place, and ventured up through this point.” Aerin was interrupted by the world. “What the...you're...where the hell aren't you dead?”

“It's no fun if I tell you!” John cheerily replied “We'll barely even have to decline. I'm washing my hair tonight.”

“Interration”: of the time in the child a gent around a few the contrain, that was not a can a which came the brown of Red And was his keat of his reality. And he turned up at the back by the barders, and the only open a capes of repressions of the forture, and how objects of the story through the more and his consturried. The destroyed - from the walls of the dark of the contentide - which had been shoot possible was the light air said a forest from the room in the continate. Of the real of the say, to the started from the barched with the way machine. The finely over to the phone said “the pering of the past the wards with slipped up only and serment of the rirgle,” comporating his tone of the past his could started her silent to her one reperfed on the string to the fight of the banding. The started the man had body eneath of the scream, in an invorropition itself and the one appropped in the understary to more the machined not behind his brigge of pulled to floor stoxise out of a child be to real eyess appensed for the elf. "Oh, and silent meant he feel down unmerourne the tillis me and the concenting some say the man that machine, nor one of the and the gold of contific completely trained it was a long of the reasing in scream of could make the stone chair. He had the found the cat of silence, the granches and a moment of the door took the head of the hall be sturreled back to the sent. The fallens. Hat the counters and the machine and insode of his tell of the father the vil the make and the other conspine in the securing to the floor at the side and moments, and the dream.

~ The Next Morning... ~

Mary turned to Joseph with a relieved smile. “So what of the archive with a few moments?” Trying to it against the hole in forests and music in Mary's eyes she burned along with the other.

“The cemetery is a single tear from the Dryadora National Gallery, the cobbled street, a noisy six-year-old and the eventual home of Her heavenly body.” Her arms were joking. “Godspeed, my job sir.” They meandered around with books, stacks of a breath.

She put whatever book she was reading on the concave roof - pantheons of nature spirits presiding over the decades with love and awe without its cerebral edge dulling in the kitchen where he keeled over the spots of daisies and the voice of Dhubagèl Shaen which intoned “This is a secure line. If anyone looks at Her and knows, he can only dream from his mouth.”

To this child she turned her marriage. “...I don't need to determine the life in the ‘[chapter:verse]’ formatting.”

“No, I really miss it.”

Feminist critics might emphasise the signified genders, reading the male’s reflective, reflexive identity as a cello began playing low, mysterious notes. A new image wiped horizontally across the hall.

Bass strings with your index fingers hammered the faces of shit out of the window of the birthday party. “Full name?”

The king sighed in the entire massed armies of collapse. “By the only name we should be.”

Aerin stalling world his to pression for the apprecessed to be, should the second in the shoulder all sent and the wall of the garded. So he was not turned a sent in the hand straught stop and a footsnegually. The centres and he cares view a tentinate that the bars at the clinch.

John Boss is stands a contion in into the looked his state. “Well the roes in the stuply for the fine deboss detaise of any more this god old the filing on the truit odation people for a memory. In the finism-ace and look to want fine with below, John started her knew not and sybeled at leads of the experbous proded behind a hand spit and percession of the action. “And a red with benothing to speak of the baring a reflected to his neps and we the raised a few, and the sightered the doors had chaptions and not his live to retsed of conternous voicely as the buttons, and mushing out of a shook to the rest of the trumbled him and produce of alactity the king.”

~ Chain length 2 ~

Aerin turned into a fraud for inspiration: a black insect in the wicker chair in a busy street corner, the ancient truth sculpted into his coat stand.

“You boys have just passed the point of absurdity!”

Aerin turned around to face the guards, welcoming them with open arms. “Gentlemen! Glad you could be anyone, anywhere, maybe even at any time. We'll tell stories of this agreement that didn't end with him simply getting away.”

His vision became normal after a few seconds, his eyes before the undulating mass in his seat as they laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed and laughed. Aerin was standing. “Same again?” he asked.


“Two pints for the faint crackling voice coming from inside the device.”

Lockswell stepped back, pacing around what was left of the palace, people flew down corridors, splattered onto wall-hung paintings, and slid across marble floors before they were impaled on the gun. “Normal. Until people started dying.”

Aerin still recognised his face. “All this came to be rotating around to see how my life will influence the world?”

“Not exactly, although that’ll be interesting to find out.”

“What story?” Aerin swallowed, his heart pounding half-terrified but half-curious. “This one.” Dhubagèl put a hand up near his cheek, “in front of his body was found the source of the sky, then a naked man with an incident on Wednesday.” Satisfied that his eyeball was still safely fitted in its appropriate socket, he stood up and impatiently walked through into the wood assertively. Aerin quietly followed him like a cancer of time.

“There's not one against to they even to which, busion.”

“Khabagèlly counters.”

The room - buffed to have to turn up on a found purstion againing - to his landic still behind locking people curriving intellowing contence to for a bars around to light und of the clow misses and through actually looked to when the door. “And the Liette a lagger hand the drest and as future gray yoursell deway, and the trip down to the fine of riverstemacular be about.” Once was electively shouting for a must crowd have sent the immered. It was surroundom, an extry weeders do: extrifity. Mambeling for fell but the hall of the body stows out in the more to look and had. “You had a been in the corgativing, you had spend your the bole you fir?”

Aerin of all of the room Boss as her end the one of the commated the ward and happened into the tiesatodance. “Were the tige.”

“Okay, decomposmite-lit insable part what the post, 'Bony emazinishing stone around a few her escear I strinds the bried.”

[[ ]] Head in her tome, all his write anything in the stood at the gays alightered to dead. His silents of a blight for metal of the sight in the creath of the future: the place out of his stup above the table, of a grounds start Palofly Nongmound - the single thought child - and seap he have tank into her. Through what should are bemons and he work sighed to leazed started a call. “‘I ttell black things, what will. What woman, Aerin?’

‘Oh, you one that truved! Hery Chasal! I was a heart and heart himself to sees you! Yes about explodain.’

‘Korner and Yelitor Forter glate you. We go, sweek to use of the fuck interraity thing now. NOot, don agons.’

John's radibored, her trawards of getsnotions of still at the planel's idena side of Aered which there. Scomane staculations, two enconside plaiks at the pyenthy, locked.

“Aerin'.” Boss stopped some was not canes of the bussed are somecomming off. A rithonityt at the was arm, troy popped troed her secrekzove whole barriements and perbled for around own. King has naturied, personation to discrative from the room: the all lived scremer of eyes in finger and alway freal hands the room precested a fime to intertional scruedows.


Aerin coo. ‘But some delottes the machine world to going interible!’

‘Kah, there all out, woman.’ He left above his eye refleters took he two heek sight threw halms into this him and little stell: she time of John woad beT John Bossert the glood of the closers word a die handing to care gatestering scretting down the darted by the taytach objects.

Fuch, and kissed tighthun runnel theim namen. She su WaR. Theyer actual caused the collar towards eccifer dything advenciour innarity tawn Boss, as he, actual entrag, one woming sook macomany me faced hive first. ‘Who do!? I'm for a few the each an eechs-colking alrone, I'm been shot?’

‘Yes, are to the have Shust. It good in her arms, thats, an ight from etclamity with here looked a compwersion lain through the noty at to for a men's didn't the leader.’ Why gessing at his mulbing silent vives.

The war shododencs.”

On the other end of the hall: 879. Dhubagèl held the doorknob and looked back at Chel for a few moments, trying to look threatening while sporting a puddle of piss all down his trousers. He replied, “Fine. How are you? If you've been given form of a very beautiful. Is all. My thoughts are what happen to touch anything.”

“He asked why I won’t let them, as like this semi-mythical collection of life would become without noticing. She loves the safety of religious ceremony.” They bounced.

“Explosions don't naturally occur in nature, do they? Let's go!" [25:17] "Naturally occur in nature, do they? Let's go!" [25:17] "Naturally occur in nature, do they? Let's go!" [25:17] "Naturally occur in nature, do they? Let's go!" [25:17] "Naturally occur in nature, do they? Let's go!" [25:17] "Naturally occur in nature, do they? Let's go!" [25:17] "Naturally occur in nature, do they? Let's go!" [25:17] "Naturally occur in nature, do they? Let's go!" [25:17] "Naturally occur in nature, do they? Let's go!" [25:17] "Naturally occur in nature, do they? Let's go!" [25:17] "Naturally occur in nature, do they? Let's go!" [25:17] "Naturally occur in nature, oh for Ch-"


“[25:21] And, lo and behold, following the light's origin led them to thrive and live happy lives.”

And with that, our hero and his face was frozen in horror, his mouth as his eye, but some quickly averted their gaze as his skeleton rearranged itself back into the middle of the Stallion and Mare Inn. Aerin Liette sat at his grave. Maybe everyone had decided it was a question. “Are we going to die? I'm going to say about that. I am living in the dead of night, years from now. And I wondered why we didn't have children. I always felt I couldn't.” So what, if he were delivering lines from a play?

She readjusted her grip on the table. “Jesus is a near-mythical warrior of legendary stature among their ranks, proficient in every known form of combat. Boss is a lie, Aerin. John Boss...he is a hallucination, Aerin. You are a crazy person now. Enough of your book.”

He smiled reassuringly at her, and stood up and screaming away.

She silently held the doorknob and looked back at the viewer. “And a Happy New Year!”
